Another Tier Ending...Another Round Of Superlatives

With every ending of a tier, Chivalry decides to have a little fun and do a round of Team Superlatives. This is our time to highlight our best players, pick on our teammates, and overall just have fun. Votes are always anonymous, but as based on some of the answers, I can always guess who voted for who. Anyway…winners of each category win a simple discord role in our team server and bragging rights for the next tier! To the team I say this…thank you for the many years and tiers of being your team lead. I know its not always sunshine and roses, but you guys are why I do what I do. Much love and respect to my team…I mean my friends…I mean my family!

Best DressedNavdinDaddymuffins
Most Likely To Die In A FightDeargbasJalandria
Most Likely To Stand In FireDeargbasJalandria
Melee MVPAeziMytheria
Ranged MVPBaconatorizeTiktakto
Heals MVPEtticeydruidMalikorr
Tank MVPNavdinReybewan
Most Likely To Accidently PullSwiftquiverPrimalheart
Most Likely To Be Running Mythic PlusNavdinEtticeydruid
Leadership MVPPrimalheartTiktakto
Most Likely To Say Something InappropiateDaddymuffinsMalikorr
Most Likely To Cuss Too MuchPrimalheartAezi
Class ClownPrimalheartNavdin
Most Likely To Not Do Their Raid BuffMalikorrDuskfox/Umbrian
Most Liekly To Be Late To RaidMalikorrDaddymuffins
Rookie Of The TeamMytheriaAezi
Overall Team MVPAngorianPrimalheart/Tiktakto
Most Likely To Be Out Of GoldBaconatorizeDaddymuffins
Most Likely To Have The Most GoldPrimalheartAngorian